Chartwell Booksellers in NYC Offers 1st Ever Simulcast To Celebrate Debut of "WHEN LIONS ROAR" Tuesday Oct. 28 at 7PM

October 28, 2014
CHURCHILLS & KENNEDYS at Chartwell Booksellers
Thomas Maier To Speak About His New Book: WHEN LIONS ROAR, 7PM
Chartwell Booksellers, 55 E. 52nd St, NYC
Join us Tuesday evening, October 28, at 7:00 pm, as we toast author Thomas Maier on the publication of his stunning new book WHEN LIONS ROAR: The Churchills and the Kennedys, a penetrating look at the many ways that Winston Churchill and Joseph Kennedy (and their progeny) crossed paths (and swords) over the years.
Best known at the moment as the author of MASTERS OF SEX: The Life and Times of William Masters and Virginia Johnson - the source of television's Emmy Award-winning Showtime series - Mr. Maier will join us on October 28 to speak about and sign copies of WHEN LIONS ROAR. Seating is limited.
Tuesday, October 28th | 7:00 pm
Chartwell Booksellers | 55 East 52nd Street | New York, NY
(In the arcade of the Park Avenue Plaza building, between Park and Madison Avenues)
Tuesday, October 28th | 7:00 pm
Chartwell Booksellers | 55 East 52nd Street | New York, NY
(In the arcade of the Park Avenue Plaza building, between Park and Madison Avenues)
RSVP by phone:
For the first time in our history, will be also be SIMULCASTING this event live on our website, as well as offering it for download as a PODCAST. If you can't be here with us, do tune in.