Watch "The Making of 'Masters of Sex'" -- Now for Free on Amazon or Part of the Sony Season DVD/Blu-Ray package

Michelle Ashford
Sarah Timberman
 Hope everyone gets to watch "The Making of Masters of Sex", either by buying the new DVD/Blu-Ray of Season 1, or by going to Amazon and playing this short documentary for FREE. In it, exec producers Sarah Timberman and Showrunner Michelle Ashford explain how this show was developed from my biography of Masters and Johnson. Both these terrifically talented execs carefully put the whole series together under the auspices of Sony Pictures Television and its home network of Showtime. I'm very proud of my association with them and I think all of the accolades and hosannas being tossed at the show, as it begins its second season, are because of their hard work and tremendous insights. Congrats to these two wonderful execs and many thanks for your kind words about my book.