Vanity Fair's Blog Graphic Looks Just like the Conde Nast Seating Arrangment

In its latest issue, Vanity Fair unveils its "Blogoptican" -- its assortment of blogs ranging from "Huffington Post" and "The Smoking Gun" to "Jossip" and the "Daily Kos" and "I Don't Like You in That Way." I'm amused by how many conservative blogs are on the list -- like "NewsBusters", National Review and "Michelle Malkin" -- as well as the usual liberal suspects. It makes you wonder if Christopher Hitchens had a hand in putting together this VF graphic?
Speaking of graphics, did you ever notice how everything presented by Conde Nast always seems to be framed like a seating chart at Conde Nast? I've always gotten a kick out of the musical chairs played in the Newhouse kingdom and made mention of it in my biography of Si Newhouse from the 1990s.
In this Vanity Fair arrangement of the blogosphere, I wonder who's closest to being bought by Si Newhouse?
In this Vanity Fair arrangement of the blogosphere, I wonder who's closest to being bought by Si Newhouse?